Thursday 22 March 2012

Outdoors vs Television

Spring is here in full swing! The evenings are getting longer, the weather is (generally) better and now I have a dilemma.

I know I should be outdoors frolicking like a lamb and walking through country lanes sniffing wildflowers, but television has started getting interesting again! The guilt of sitting in watching TV when the daylight is knocking on the window is getting to me.

But bear with me! We have a new season of the UK Apprentice, my favourite show Bones is back on after a mid season break (Thank the flying spaghetti monster for streaming!) I have a backlog of One Born Every Minute to catch up on and so many boxsets still to finish.

Isn't the couch potato eating crisps a form of cannibalism?

I am torn, do I sit in and watch the TV shows or enjoy the nice weather while we have it? Wouldn't it be better if television shows were amazingly fantastic during the winter and rubbish during the summer? I know it's all relative, I may love watching One Born Every Minute but Mr. Ree prefers to hide behind his laptop to deflect the sounds of screaming women and crying babies.

It's not even a case of being a couch potato as I'm kept going throughout the day, perhaps a couch potato lite? Or a couch crisp perhaps? Either way, I need to find a way to split myself in too or compromise, unless March starts becoming a little more rainy I should be out enjoying it. Yay for Sky Plus, keeps me in the loop until there's 1% of data left, le whoops!

I suppose I could watch TV outside on my laptop, but there's always a glare on the screen and for the amount of things I'd like to watch, I'd probably need an outdoor charger. Come on Dragon's Den!

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