Friday, 7 February 2014

Dusting off the cobwebs

It seems like an age since I've updated this blog but it's been a busy few months!

Since t'wedding day in October, I've been adjusting to life as a newlywed. Which, for me, basically meant talking about our wedding in the past tense, sporting some new jewellery and trying a new name on for size.

Then of course there was Christmas which was lovely as we got to spend time with family and friends and also indulge in the full and jam packed food pyramid. (Spoiler alert: I ate all round me, paté, cheese, various meats, candycanes, chocolate coins.. Nothing was safe!)

Source: DeviantArt - jessijones
We also kicked off 2014 with a new family member! My niece Fia was born in January and it's safe to say we're all besotted with her. Babies bring such excitement into a home, especially when it's the first grandchild on my side. Mothercare didn't know what had hit it!

February brought my sister-in-law's fabulous 40th birthday, which was filled with family, bubbly, memory filled photos, balloons and not one, not two, but THREE delicious cakes. (All of which I sampled - ahem!)

I noticed that all these exciting and happy times had a common ingredient.

The involvement of friends and family.

Let's face it, good news is wonderful and as human beings, we love to share our good news so others can share in the joy. The fact that I could text, sending direct messages on social media, call and email all those I hold dear made all of these experiences even more special. It also made me reflect on how lucky I am to have that support network to chat to in good times and bad. As the Beatles once sang "I get by with a little help from my friends", and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does.